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Individually designed + always paired with other activities

Each microlibrary is uniquely designed to fit programmatic demands of each communities and site potentials. Due to different partners and funding models of specific Microlibraries, the design and implementation approaches vary. However, the constants are not only the mission statement but its urbanistic approach. Firstly, SHAU seeks to implement a Microlibrary at places which are already in use by a local community. There is no illusion from SHAU’s side that a library will draw enough attention alone to gather enough of a crowd to make it a lively and well-used place. Instead plugging in on top of existing activities and enhancing rather than changing the nature of a place is a well-proven approach. Secondly, the enhancement of a place and its usability via a Microlibrary and adding value is important. For instance, adding roofs to give shade and rain protection in a tropical climate environment will automatically draw people in. Thirdly, the activation of the Microlibrary and adjacent public spaces via activities and events is important. Here SHAU works together with different partners to take up this role.

Microlibraries propose to provide a new scale between the central libraries and mobile libraries. In Europe there are district libraries, but in Indonesia this scale is not practiced widely even though the need is apparent. By adding community-run microlibraries into the national system of libraries, the gap can be filled.

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by Microlibrary Community
Bandung, Indonesia
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